
Business Modification Group President Speaks at 2024 AHR Expo

The President of Business Modification Group, Patrick Lange, delivered a free industry seminar at Chicago’s 2024 AHR (Air Conditioning, Heating, Refrigeration) Expo. Business Modification Group is a leading HVAC brokerage firm with a proven track record of success. With a personal record of over 120 successful heating and air company sales, including his own, Lange offered invaluable insights into preparing HVAC businesses for sale in an evolving market.

Lange emphasizes the importance of strategic planning for HVAC business owners, especially as a significant portion of industry veterans approach retirement age. With private equity buyouts on the rise, Lange advises contractors to proactively ready their companies for potential sales to maximize value and ensure a smooth transition.

Selling an HVAC business is a complex endeavor that requires careful preparation,” said Lange. “Many owners find themselves unprepared when it’s time to sell, which can lead to disappointment. It’s crucial to assess the worth of your business early on to avoid heartbreak later.”

Drawing from his extensive experience, Lange addressed key factors influencing the sellable value of HVAC businesses. From building strong customer relationships to establishing sustainable business operations, Lange offered practical strategies to enhance business value and attract potential buyers.

Attendees gained valuable insights into essential considerations, including the role of maintenance agreements, the importance of organizational structure, financial transparency, and market positioning. Lange’s expertise empowers HVAC business owners to navigate the complexities of selling their businesses with confidence and clarity.

The 2024 AHR Expo provided an ideal platform for industry professionals, whether contractors, educators, or business owners, to stay abreast of the latest trends and developments in the HVAC sector. Lange’s session was a highlight, offering actionable advice tailored to the unique needs of owners wondering how to sell an HVAC business.

For more information about Patrick Lange, Business Modification Group, and how it can help business owners achieve their goals, visit

About Business Modification Group

Business Modification Group is a trusted HVAC broker with a reputation for consistently selling a record number of heating, air, and plumbing companies nationwide. They pride themselves as a firm with the most complete database that exists of buyers and sellers specifically in the HVAC business.

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