
Dr. Susana Trujillo introduces: Fucoidan and AHCC: An Innovative and Synergistic Natural Treatment

Each year, the American Cancer Society estimates the numbers of new cancer cases and deaths that will occur in the United States. In 2017, 1,688,780 new cancer cases and 600,920 cancer deaths are projected to occur in the United States. For all sites combined, the cancer incidence rate is 20% higher in men than in women, while the cancer death rate is 40% higher. Still, numbers are only a statistical approach. Cancer patients need less numbers and MORE OPTIONS to improve their condition and Quality of Life (QoL).

“Why is this disease seemingly unstoppable despite the great efforts of conventional medicine? It seems that we are still far from knowing what cancer really is, how to prevent it or how to treat it.”

-Dr. Susana Trujillo

During my years in the area of Research and Development, I realized that most cancer patients want something ‘natural’ to try to treat their cancer or prevent their cancer from coming back, but the people promoting these treatments might not necessarily have a strong research supporting their claims. In addition, patients who try these natural alternative treatments may find, when they come back to seek mainstream treatment, that it’s too late and their cancer has already spread.

It was during this time that I found two innovative ingredients: Fucoidan (brown seaweed extract) and AHCC (Active Hexose Correlated Compound). The ability of these two ingredients – Fucoidan and AHCC- is extraordinary and it was then when I realized that there was still HOPE for cancer patients.

If you are reading this article to find new natural alternatives to treat or support your current treatment, please consider the following:

Many factors that can contribute to cancer development are still not taken seriously enough.

Cancer can arise through many causes:

1. Inflammation processes – at least six cancers relate directly to chronic inflammation.

2. Dysregulation of the immune system

3. Poor nutrition

4. Effects of toxic substances from the environment (air pollution, exhaust fumes, cigarette smoke, etc.).

5. Additives in food and cosmetics.

6. Overloading of the excretory organs.

7. Duration of exposure to stress, negative emotions and mental conflicts such as grief, anger, humiliation, not being able to forgive, social isolation.

8. Favoring tumor development through poor nutrition

What benefits do Fucoidan and AHCC offer?

Today’s diet often does not meet the requirements of our body. Our ancestors ate a lot of vegetables and fruit and only occasionally eggs and/or meat. This diet offered a balanced supply of essential fatty acids and proteins, but little sugar. Today, on the other hand, the annual per capita consumption of refined sugar in the industrialized nations is about 70 kg. But cancer feeds on sugar! If we eat food with a high glycemic index the blood sugar levels increase greatly.

Then the pancreas distribute insulin to guide the sugar into the cells, as well as insulin-like growth factors (IGF). Both insulin and IGF also stimulate inflammatory factors, which encourage cancer cells to grow and penetrate the surrounding tissue. The body now wants to repair the injured sites. It sets processes in motion that serve the growth of new tissue. However, the cancer uses these repair processes to promote its growth. This is the main reason why a natural cancer treatment option is needed to stop cancer from growing, and mushrooms (AHCC) in combination with brown seaweed extracts (Fucoidan) have the characteristics needed to inhibit its growth.

What does the body need to heal?

The body can be encouraged to recover through various natural resources. A precondition is a diet tailored to the particular situation of the individual. Since all cancer diseases are dependent on a blood and nutrient supply of the vessels, it must be a diet that inhibits neovascularization (new vessel building). For this purpose, detoxifying measures and movement are also decisive.

Furthermore, inflammatory inhibiting measures must be initiated, and the immune system must be strengthened. Everything that strengthens our immune cells weakens the tumor growth. In addition, the mental component must be taken into account, i.e. everything that puts us under stress should be avoided, so that our soul remains in balance.

A conventional medical treatment such as surgery, chemotherapy and/or radiation therapies should be accompanied by holistic medicine therapy or by natural cancer therapies (Fucoidan and AHCC) to alleviate the usually very stressful side effects on the one hand and, on the other hand, eliminate the causes of the tumor genesis (origin of the tumor).

Natural Cancer Therapy with Fucoidan and Medicinal Mushrooms like AHCC

Two excellent supportive therapeutic methods are medically effective mushrooms (AHCC) and brown seaweed extracts (Fucoidan). They have the ability to detoxify the body, remove excess cell toxins and dismantle inflammatory processes. They also have an exceptional regulatory effect on the immune system. They are able to prevent vascular neoplasms (the building of new vessels) that would be necessary to supply a tumor and they can initiate the suicide program of the cell (apoptosis), without which the tumor cell would live forever.

Even when, due to chemotherapy and/or radiation, a deterioration in blood formation occurs, AHCC and Fucoidan are very effective. Disorders in blood formation (loss of red and white blood cells), fatigue, nausea, vomiting, hair loss or mucosal damage may be consequences of conventional medical treatment. Through medicinal mushroom (AHCC) and brown seaweed (Fucoidan) natural therapies it is possible to strengthen the healthy tissue and thus to protect them from the side effects. Strengthening is particularly important just after and during chemotherapy, because the cell poisons used damage not only tumor cells, but also healthy tissue and blood formation. With the use of medicinal mushrooms (AHCC) and brown seaweed extracts like Fucoidan, exhaustion as a result of lack of red blood cells or an increasing immunodeficiency through the loss of white blood cells can be counteracted. Furthermore, with the help of Agaricus blazei murrill, for example, a swelling of the spleen, as occurs in leukemia or lymphoma, can be reduced.

“No side effects after a total of twelve chemotherapy sessions. A parallel treatment doesn’t take place. My oncologist informed. She has no concerns.” This is how Mr. B. K. describes his experiences with AHCC and Fucoidan (brown seaweed extract) with his colon cancer with metastases in the liver, lungs and lymph system.

With a lack of red blood cells, the patient suffers from a reduced oxygen supply to the body, resulting in decreased capability. AHCC, for instance, increases the oxygen saturation of the blood, so that this lack can be counteracted and the patient feels vital. AHCC medicinal mushroom is especially applied when the tumor is located in the liver or lung tissue. Here the affected tissues are primarily those that have a high rate of cell division, such as mucosa and bone marrow. Here a detoxification with mushrooms is very important! Medicinal mushrooms contain polysaccharides in high concentration. Therefore, they are particularly effective for the regulation of the immune system in tumor disorders. In addition, they promote the regeneration of the bone marrow and thus the formation of blood.

Via the lymphatic system many toxins are transported from the body tissues into the blood vessels, and then excreted by the liver or kidneys. In addition, the lymphatic system plays an important role in the immune system. Congestion in the lymphatic system, therefore leads to an overload of the organism with toxins and thus also to an additional burdening on the immune system. Therefore, in the case of cancer the proper functioning of the lymphatic system is of particular importance. This is especially the case when, in the context of the tumor, lymph nodes have had to be removed, whereby congestion and lymph accumulation can easily arise. These should be absolutely eliminated by implementing a holistic therapy, for example with the Fucoidan (brown seaweed) extracts.

AHCC (Active Hexose Correlated Compounds) and Fucoidan (brown seaweed extracts) have proven to be an effective natural cancer treatment when they are used in synergy.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This article is for educational purposes only. Please consult with a physician regarding any medical or health related diagnosis or treatment options.

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