
Get Lucky with This Great St. Patrick’s Day eCowhides Rug Sale!

St. Patrick’s Day is less than a month away! Find your luck this holiday with the St. Patrick’s Day sale at At eCowhides, we provide customers with a large variety of authentic Brazilian cowhide rugs that can be ordered online and delivered to your doorstep. Spring is the perfect time to purchase a brand-new cowhide rug for your home. This season of cleaning and renewal is a great time to do some redecorating around the house. Read on for several different types of cowhide rugs to consider getting this St. Patrick’s Day.

Traditional Cowhide Rug

The traditional cowhide rugs are the irregular shape with the various cowhide designs. Homeowners can pick between black and white, brown and white, brindle, peppered patterns, and more! These cowhide rugs look great in every room of the house. Since they are neutrally colored, they are easy to match with existing décor.

Patchwork Cowhide Rug

A patchwork cowhide rug is a different take on the traditional cowhide rug. These rugs have a modern twist. They are rectangular with different shape patches inside the rug. The patchwork rugs come in a variety of colors and sizes. They are perfect for a modern house. These look great in city homes with modern furniture and art.

Animal Prints

Animal prints are for homeowners who prefer a design other than the cow print. These rugs come in zebra, leopard, and tiger print. The animal print rugs are great for rooms that need some added flair and style.

Colored Cowhide Rug

Colored cowhide rugs are so much fun! They are shaped like the standard cowhide rugs but are dyed with color! Pick between green, yellow, blue, pink, red, orange, and chocolate. These rugs go perfectly in kids’ rooms. Let your child get involved with the decorating process and pick the color that they like best! These rugs also go great in rooms that need a pop of color. If your home has a room with a lot of neutral colors, a color-dyed cowhide rug can be a wonderful addition to the space. You can even stick with the St. Patrick’s Day theme and order a green cowhide rug!

St. Patrick’s Day is a great time to get a cowhide rug from eCowhides. The rugs are 10% off, giving customers an awesome deal on our already affordable rugs. For more information about the St. Patrick’s Day sale and the different styles of rugs available, contact us today.

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