
L.A. Criminal Attorney Ronda Dixon Publishes Book on Surviving Police Interactions with Rights Intact

The new Protect Your Rights ebook written by Ronda Dixon and released by helps California residents protect their rights when they are stopped, or arrested, by the police. For full details visit

Attorney Ronda Dixon began her law career in the Appellate Division of the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s office. Now, as a leading Los Angeles criminal attorney she works with defendants to ensure their rights are protected as she represents them in court.

Dixon’s insight into how cases are investigated and prosecuted, and her experience supporting the accused before, during, and after arrest, compelled her to publish the “Protect Your Rights” primer for California residents. It’s a must read resource filled with practical advice on how those living in California can protect their rights in police interactions and how to handle being arrested.

Dixon says, “In my work with the DA, and my time as a criminal attorney, I saw how often my clients attempt to help the police, to answer their questions and explain their actions, translated into arrests and convictions. More often than not clients weren’t guilty of a crime and thought that police officers had the desire and the capacity to find them innocent and send them home.  But police officers work for the state. They have a legal right to lie, intimidate, and confuse. Their job is to investigate crimes and apprehend suspects. They are competitive. They want to win by filing as many cases as possible and getting as many convictions as possible.” Fortunately, I want to win too. And winning means getting your case dismissed or significantly reduced. Don’t go up against the bullies by yourself.

She goes on to say, “This book explains how to deal with the police when you are stopped on foot or in your car.  It explains what you should do before, during, and after an arrest. It helps people involved in police interactions protect themselves physically as well as legally.”

She concludes by saying, “It is particularly important for African American and Latino young men to understand their legal rights. According to the NAACP Criminal Justice Fact Sheet one out of every three Black boys born today can expect to be sentenced to prison, compared to 1 out 6 Latino boys; and one out of 17 white boys. Many of these convictions rely on information provided by the defendant to the police in an attempt to exonerate themselves. This guide helps people understand why that strategy doesn’t work.”

Nationwide, African American children represent 32% of children who are arrested, 42% of children who are detained, and 52% of children whose cases are judicially waived to adult  criminal court. African American children represent just 14% of the population.

To get this free ebook to share with your friends, family, or school, download the ebook at  To learn more about Ronda Dixon and the Dixon Justice Center, or a free case evaluation of a new or ongoing criminal case, please call 1-877-384-5239 visit

Disclaimer: The information provided in this release does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice. All information, content, and materials are for general informational purposes only. Only your individual attorney can provide assurances that the information contained herein is applicable or appropriate to your particular situation.

About Dixon Justice Center

Ronda Dixon, has been fighting for justice for 30 years. She began her law career in the Appellate Division of the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s office. Active in the community, she founded a nonprofit organization to help people with Substance Abuse problems recover. She participated in the rehabilitation of hundreds of people with drug, alcohol, domestic violence, and child abuse problems. In 2009 Ronda was recognized as Woman of The Year for her work in the community. She recently founded the SoLA – South Los Angeles Justice Center to help people on a pro-Bono or sliding scale fee basis. Ronda and her diverse team of legal advisers, co-counsels, and testifying experts deliver the best possible representation for you and your case. She will help you navigate the legal system to get the best outcome for your case with compassion and tenacity. For a free case evaluation of new or ongoing criminal cases, call 1-877-384-5239 or visit

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