
Lars Bergman “For me it´s all about passion!”

About the songs.

How come people never learn, and history repeat itself over and over and over again And so


And the glue in a relationship so many times goes the way it´s not suppose to go like in The


And why can´t some men understand the simple word No.

And if you are a big fan of the Twilight Zone, why not go there… After the rain.

And sometimes my mind wanders away.

I noticed since the last 10 years or so, that the weather is changing in a really really scary way.

So two years ago I became a member of Greenpeace.

What truly opened my eyes was the heat and drought that tormented Sweden back in 2018.

And here on the island Gotland in the Baltic sea were I live, no rain for almost three month.

If we all think about how we treat this planet, the only one we have, so at least there´s hope!

About hope and every day life. I so much like Fika. That´s a Swedish word for when you go

to a café and drink coffee and eat pastries with friends.

From my point of view it´s the little things in life that makes it so great!

When the sun is shining, a cool breeze dancing through my hair, hanging out with people I

care about and all of that.

Happiness is sometimes hard to come by. But I keep looking!

Yours truly


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Name: Lars Bergman
Phone: +46702822944