
Mindful Divorce Launches Inclusive Divorce Service in Orange County

One agency in Orange County has launched services aimed at providing more straightforward divorce proceedings, eliminating headache and emotional overload. Mindful Divorce has introduced an innovative, all-inclusive divorce solution in Newport Beach, CA. This new service aims to reduce stress and promote a more seamless divorce process.

Holding transparency as a core value, the Mindful Divorce offers a module-based approach to simplify and clarify the divorce process. With integrated video tutorials, complementary handouts, and in-person mediation, the parties are able to make educated decisions empowered by knowledge. With the assistance of Mindful Divorce, divorces can be carried out in a way that is less stressful and more efficient.

MindfulDivorceMediation is a key component of the services offered at Mindful Divorce. The process allows an impartial third party facilitate the resolution of a dispute. The mediator aligns and facilitates communications, promotes understanding, assists each party focus on their interests, and seeks effective problem solving to help each party reach agreements. Mediators help keep the divorce process as clean as professional as possible, mitigating emotional flooding, providing concise information, providing assessment of the fairness, practicality, and enforceability of proposed solutions, and more.

“I am thrilled to launch the Newport Beach office,” said Alexandra Baron, the Mindful Divorce’s CEO. “Through technology and research based mindfulness practices, the stress of divorce can be kept to a minimum.” Mindful Divorce offers court document preparation, document submission to the court, mediation (including Holistic Property Division and Financial Outlook Analysis), handouts and worksheets, written summary of each mediation session, drafting of the marital settlement agreement, revisions to the marital settlement agreement, phone calls to the attorney, and case inquiries through the Mindful Divorce online portal.

As budget cuts continue to delay proceedings in court, dragging out the time the parties will have to wait for their divorce, new solutions are needed. Listening to the needs of the community, the Mindful Divorce has crafted practical and affordable packages for clients.

The Mindful Divorce provides all inclusive divorce packages with the mission to provide simplicity, affordability, transparency and excellence. The Mindful Divorce is reinventing how clients see divorce with its innovative use of technology and psychology and is defining the future of how technology can improve legal services.

Further information can be found at

Further information can be found at

About Mindful Divorce

Mindful Divorce provides all-inclusive, module-based divorce services to promote efficient, less stressful divorce proceedings in Orange County, California.

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Name: Alexandra Baron, Esq.
Phone: 916-591-0365