
See the great range of Brotherwood Automobility cars at an exhibition near you

With a great selection of new and used mobility cars in our showroom, Brotherwood Automobility offer the best range of vehicles for you to choose from if you are looking for a way to transport you or your loved one’s wheelchair from place to place.

We at Brotherwood understand that, if you have a disability, the most important thing is being able to feel independent. This is why, even if you cannot visit our factory in Dorset, you can still start making plans to buy your wheelchair car by coming along to one of the several industry exhibitions we will be featuring at throughout 2012.

Our first outing of the year will be at the NEC in Birmingham between the 1st and 3rd May. The Naidex exhibition is designed for showcasing the latest in all kinds of mobility aids to healthcare and trade professionals, as well as members of the public. Brotherwood Automobility is happy to be a part of this popular event, especially as its convenient Midlands location means that people from across the country have the chance to attend and view models such as our converted VW Sharan, which is brand new for this year.

On top of this, Brotherwood will also be appearing at Disability Somerset 2012 on 10th May at the Sedgmoor Auction Centre, as well as the Mobility Roadshow in Peterborough from the 21st to the 23rd June, and Inspiration 4 ABILITY on the 2nd and 3rd August at the UWE Bristol Exhibition and Conference Centre.

So, if you think you would be interested in seeing the wheelchair accessible vehicles that we have produced at our Beer Hackett plant, make sure you take a trip to a mobility exhibition near you and get a clearer picture of the car you wish to find.

About Brotherwood Automobility

Brotherwood Automobility are a specialist company that have been converting vehicles into Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles since 1985.

The company, which now has 58 members of staff and a turnover of more than £7 million, converts vehicles to allow wheelchair users across the world to travel seated in their wheelchairs. It exports internationally as far as Australia, Asia and South Africa, as well as to Europe.

The company also buys back and refurbishes used vehicles for resale.

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Name: Brotherwood Automobility
Phone: 01935 872603