
Shark Industries, LLC, Launches Snowshark Snow Shovel

The team at Shark Industries, LLC, is thrilled to unveil their flagship product, an innovative 2-in-1 snow shovel that makes it easy to tear through hard packed snow.

Shane Swanger, the inventor of the Snowshark Snow Shovel, created the product after designing his own snow shovel for tearing up hard-packed tire marks on his driveway. After discovering that his wife also was using the shovel, he patented the design.

Now, the Snowshark Snow Shovel will be launching on Kickstarter. People everywhere will get their first glimpse of this dynamic, multipurpose snow shovel when it goes live, and people who wish to back the project will have the opportunity to do so while receiving exclusive perks in exchange. Shark Industries, LLC, will be announcing further details about their Kickstarter campaign, including perks for pledgers, in mid-October.

“We went through several prototype builds plus un-numbered design changes over the course of 3 years until we finally ended up with a shovel all of us should have in our garage,” said Swanger.

The Snowshark Snow Shovel features a design that easily cuts through packed snow. While standard snow shovels tend to scrape over it and make snow removal a slow, arduous process, the Snowshark Snow Shovel features specially engineered teeth that slice through packed snow to uncover the surface beneath, which makes it possible for users to remove hard packed snow tire and foot marks before they turn to ice. When users want to switch out the blade for a standard straight blade, they can easily do so with the shovel’s swivel mount. For people who are tired of dealing with packed snow, the Snowshark Snow Shovel offers an easy-to-use, effective solution. A newly released video demonstrates how to use the Snowshark Snow Shovel.

Swanger is thrilled to get his tried and trusted snow shovel into the hands of people everywhere who face snow removal challenges at their homes and places of work. At Shark Industries, LLC, customers can expect to receive an experience that extends far beyond product placement.

“We are dedicated to making sure our customer’s experience is top notch,” said Swanger. Throughout their Kickstarter campaign, the Shark Industries, LLC, team will be communicating with pledgers for feedback, questions, comments, and more.

Shark Industries, LLC, will be aiming to raise a set amount of funding needed for manufacturing and distribution. Upon the fulfillment of funding, the company will send out their very first Snowshark Snow Shovels to their backers before releasing their product to the rest of the world.

More information can be found at

About Shark Industries, LLC

Shark Industries, LLC, is the umbrella company over the innovative SnowShark Shovel, a 2-in-1 shovel with changeable blades designed for tearing through hard packed snow.

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