
Standard Numismatic’s Benazir Bhutto Commemorative Coin Prices Soar, Proving Concept For the Rise of Alternative Investments

Throughout the course of history, few individuals have left behind an impact that spans generations, continents, and history itself. Those who have achieved such high stature deserve a tangible means of respect to quantify their numerous contributions to society. Standard Numismatic, a private minting company in England, released a commemorative coin celebrating Benazir Bhutto, the Daughter of the East. Within 9 days, the entire collection was sold out and now due to the excess demand, prices of the coin have soared in the resale market.

In the modern age, unique, high-ticket items continue to grow in value, reaching unprecedented heights. As demand for the Benazir Bhutto coin continues to rise, so does its value. From silver to gold, and limited edition First Strike coins; the Benazir Bhutto coin took the bullion world by storm. 

At the launch, Standard Edition silver coins were priced at $70, and Gold coins at $2,100. Now, the same coins are being resold at $112 for silver and $2,890 for gold. Exclusive first strike gold and silver coins have topped returns of over 100% the original value. Originally released at $2,390, the Benazir Bhutto gold coin is now at a resale value of over $5,150; while the first strike silver coin, originally $105, has doubled in resale value at $210.

“What once was traditionally a collector’s item is now a lucrative investment, and the overwhelming demand for these exclusive commemorative coins is redefining the numismatic and bullion industry as we know it. Day after day, the demand and value of these coins continues to skyrocket with no sign of decreased momentum on the horizon. Due to this massive increase in enquiries, our dealers will be going to auction, and are expected to break record prices as demand continues to rise. Due to its extremely low supply worldwide, I expect prices of the standard silver coins to rise up to at least $2,000 within the next 12 months” — Stephen Petty, President of the Central Ohio Numismatic Association

Following the release of Benazir Bhutto’s commemorative coin, Standard Numismatic released a coin to honor Abdul Sattar Edhi, the “Angel of Mercy”, whose life work reflected selflessness, charity, kindness, and dedication to the common good. After only 24 hours, over 1200 Abdul Sattar Edhi coins were sold, with no sign of decreased demand.

“We could not have imagined a better response to the launch of our Benazir Bhutto and Abdul Sattar Edhi commemorative coins. Standard Numismatic is overwhelmed by the commitment, support, and respect displayed by fans of both Benazir Bhutto and Abdul Sattar Edhi. Our vision has always been to create a means for fans to honor the lives of these remarkable people. The ability of our coins to turn into lucrative investments that produce high yields for years to come is a bonus”. — Issa Masroor, Managing Director, Standard Numismatic

With its new release, Standard Numismatic is proud to announce the upcoming launch of their latest feature: Chadwick Boseman.

The saying goes that, “Heroes get remembered, but legends never die.” Standard Numismatic’s sole mission is to create a means for fans around the world to partake in each legacy, carrying on each individual’s mission and life’s work through sound investments that continue to grow exponentially over time. As stocks and funds remain unpredictable, NFT Tokens continue to rise exponentially in value to become an investor favorite in 2021. From trading cards to coins, vintage toys and everything in between; these tangible investments are proving time and time again that sound investments are not exclusive to the stock market or real estate. Standard Numismatic has become an international leader of this dynamic societal shift for their exclusive legacy coins that have revolutionized the bullion industry. 

Disclaimer: The news site hosting this press release is not associated with Standard Numismatic or the Benazir Bhutto Commemorative Coin. It is merely publishing a paid press release announcement submitted by a company, without any stated or implied endorsement of the product, service or information above. Please consult a registered investment advisor before making any investment.  This is not a solicitation.

About Standard Numismatic

Standard Numismatic is a premium, privately owned minting company and precious metals dealer that specializes in finely crafted gold and silver collectible coins that feature remarkable personalities. By combining bullion trading elements of gold and silver, and the collectible element of memorabilia, Standard Numismatic can transform functional bullion into collectible items with iconic and revolutionary designs that evoke everlasting memories of special experiences.

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