
The Holistic Approach of Ayurveda for Treating Autoimmune Diseases

Autoimmunity as the name suggests is associated with immune system functioning. They are responsible for generating responses against the potentially harmful antigens which destructs the efficient system working. Autoimmune diseases emerge as a result of the wrong reaction of body defense mechanism against the self cells of the body. A person’s immune system is known to work in a sophisticated way to reduce the chances or help to keep us disease-free. It has the special ability to recognize foreign invaders and generate efficient responses against them. So its proper functioning is of utmost priority and to keep immune system associated diseases at bay.

Autoimmune diseases occur as a result when the defense mechanism puts hard efforts to fight with foreign attackers but is unable to generate responses against them. Instead, it perceives its cells as antigens and mistakenly generates harsh responses against them and thereby categorized as self-destruction. There are many reports which strongly suggest that in the last 2-4 decades there is a sudden increase and rise in cases of autoimmune diseases. The conclusion which Ayurveda suggests as the main cause are our unhealthy diet and sedentary lifestyle which has raised a major concern amongst the population due to increase in morbidity. It is seen that many infectious diseases are controlled over years but a steady increase in autoimmune diseases has raised concerns. Other than diet and lifestyle other possible reasons causing disease emergence are stress, lack of sleep, environmental pollutants, and sometimes as a result of genetics. Some of the common autoimmune diseases whose prevalence is observed at high verge are rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, ulcerative colitis, psoriasis, and endometriosis. The symptoms of autoimmune diseases vary as per the body part affected as well as the person’s immune system interactivity.

Ayurveda believes that disorders are the cause of the accumulation of toxins in our bodies. It is seen people often neglect the early signs of the disease because of societal influences and prefer a relaxed life over the healthier one. Specifically for autoimmune diseases the initial signals for deteriorating health are unobservable and non-persistent and are thereby taken for granted. Therefore, it is suggested as soon as one observes any change in their body they should consult specialists for early and effective management. Ayurveda as a traditional practice has emerged and popularized for providing the best and most effective results. Where other medical practices work on suppression of the disease symptoms leading to no cure for disease there Ayurveda gives the systematic treatment which reduces the chances of the disease symptoms reversal. Dr. Sharda Ayurveda a recognized Ayurvedic Clinic in India with thousands of successfully treated patients stands strong for its effective Ayurvedic treatment following a natural, and holistic approach for treating the disease. Through Ayurveda, one can effectively reverse the disease symptoms and restore the balanced immune system.

These Ayurvedic treatments discussed down are best and had proven to provide the best and most effective results for getting recover from autoimmune diseases.

Panchakarma Therapy 

It’s an age-old therapy that is recognized for its beneficial advantages and is recommended as an initial and essential part of Ayurvedic treatment. It involves five steps i.e., Vamana, Virechana, Vasti, Nasya, and Rakatmokshana whose whole motive is to detoxify and eliminate toxic substances from the body. This will aid in the purification of the body system and will promote its smooth functioning.


The most challenging part of treating autoimmune diseases is the shift between the symptoms of the condition such as pain, inflammation, allergies, and many others. And it’s essential for people to divert themselves from mental stress (which is the root cause of all diseases) which help in effective management of the disease. Yoga and meditation as the mean for recovery has proved to give the outcome results always positive. A combination of whole i.e., asanas, pranayama, diet, and lifestyle management will contribute towards healthy and disease-free living. Some of the best asanas are Anulom vilom, Kapalabhati, Svanasana, and Supta Baddha Konasana.

 Ayurvedic Herbs

Herbs are the basis of the Ayurveda whose incorporation has been adopted for a time long and the utilization is at its high peak till now. This is because of the marvelous health benefits it provides to the body system such as no side effects, long terms results, safe, and natural. Ayurvedic treatment involves the infusion of herbs along with diet and lifestyle changes making the treatment best and most effective for recovery. Some of the herbs which are recognized for getting relief from autoimmune diseases are Ashwagandha, Turmeric, and Boswellia and Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia).

Ayurvedic treatment accompanied with dietary and lifestyle changes has proved as a natural and safe means of treatment for getting recover from almost all autoimmune diseases and other chronic conditions too. But it’s an essential part to consult with experts and following the treatment and tips should be done under the guidance of supervisions for potential results.

About Dr. Sharda Ayurveda

Dr. Sharda Ayurveda is India’s leading Ayurvedic clinic founded in 2013 with a Modern approach to traditional Ayurvedic medicines that help in restoring the mind, body, and soul. We provide Ayurvedic treatments to patients from all over the world. Dr. Sharda Ayurveda has several branches located in Punjab and is one of the Best Ayurvedic Clinics in India offering a new approach to holistic living.

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