
Top NYC SEO Agency Profit Labs Discusses Evolution of Search Marketing Tactics

According to statistics, there are an estimated 3.5 billion searches on Google each day, but while only 0.78-percent of Google searchers click on results from the second page, the number-one result in Google’s organic search result gets an average CTR of 31.7-percent.

For companies like Profit Labs, a leading New York NYC SEO firm dedicated to getting clients ranked on page one of Google, Bing and other search engines, these stats reflect the fact that in order to generate organic traffic, businesses need to rank on page one of the SERP – and that’s where SEO comes in.

Profit Labs is just one of many search engine optimization entities operating in the U.S. that supports using the tactic in the right way, citing and backing such evolving SEO trends as Core Web Vitals, Google’s BERT, keyword research, original content, voice search, artificial intelligence, video marketing, featured snippets, influencer SEO and EAT/branded SEO.

“To rank higher or simply maintain rankings, a business needs to keep modifying its SEO strategy in accordance with Google, as its algorithm evolves,” says Ron Tsantker, CEO of Profit Labs. “We have been looking at important trends that our clients should be made aware of in 2021 for SEO success, offering tips, suggestions and resources to optimize for each along the way.”

In May 2020, Google announced three new metrics called Core Web Vitals to be used for measuring user experience, and this includes Loading, Interactivity and Visual Stability – with all three metrics basically related to page speed. This Core Web Vitals approach remains one of the most popular trends being watched for SEO in 2021, with expert companies like Profit Labs seeing it as an essential Google ranking factor.

Google’s BERT algorithm – which stands for Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers – meanwhile, uses machine learning and natural language processing to better understand searches and what users are actually looking for, working in more than 70 languages and for almost every query in Google English.

More than 50-percent of searches are zero-click types – meaning more than half of the Google searches, approximately 175 billion per month, end without any click – and this is because, according to NYC SEO experts such as Profit Labs, with such rich results in the SERP, consumers can get the answers they need without even having to click a result or even finish typing out a query.

“Given the advancements in the SERP and with so much competition out there, it’s crucial to invest some time in keyword research to find keywords that can actually drive traffic and sales for a business,” adds company CEO Tsantker.

To learn more about Profit Labs New York SEO Services visit

From understanding that Google still wants original content and that a staggering 27-percent of the entire global population is using voice search on their mobile phones to AI changing the SEO and marketing industries, optimizing video content for search engines, getting web pages in a feature snippet, being specific while choosing influencers and applying the EAT principle – expertise, authoritativeness and trustworthiness – modern SEO agencies are all looking toward a future that is rapidly leaving more common types of brand marketing behind.

About Profit Labs

Profit Labs, an new york, nyc based online marketing agency, provides professional seo services and ppc management for companies looking to increase website traffic, sales and revenue using online marketing strategies.

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