
Buying with Brotherwood Automobility – Give It A Test Drive

Sometimes the simplest things, like going out to the shops, visiting family and friends or going to get a haircut, can be near impossible for wheelchair users if the distance requires the use of a car. If you or a loved one is a wheelchair user and would like to have the freedom and the quality of life that you or they deserve, why not check out the range of quality mobility cars available from Brotherwood Automobility?

Buying a vehicle of any sort is quite a serious financial investment and something that needs a great deal of thinking over, which is why we are offering our customers the chance to try before you buy by requesting a demonstration.

We believe that having the opportunity to actually experience a journey in one of our mobility cars is essential to having complete peace of mind about your purchase, particularly when there are a range of cars to choose from.

We have made it very easy for you to book a demonstration; simply go online and fill out a form to complete your request. Alternatively, you can call us on 0844 822 7939. We will then arrange a time that is convenient for you to experience one of our mobility vehicles, giving you the ideal opportunity to try out all the features.

There is no obligation to buy or hire one of our new or used wheelchair cars after your demo, but it should help you decide if your demo car is the right one for you. Take a look at the range of vehicles available from Brotherwood Automobility today and see what our friendly team can do for you today.

About Brotherwood Automobility

Brotherwood Automobility are a specialist company that have been converting vehicles into Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles since 1985.

The company, which now has 58 members of staff and a turnover of more than £7 million, converts vehicles to allow wheelchair users across the world to travel seated in their wheelchairs. It exports internationally as far as Australia, Asia and South Africa, as well as to Europe.

The company also buys back and refurbishes used vehicles for resale.

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Name: Brotherwood Automobility
Phone: 01935 872603