Lake Bluff Chimney Specialist Lindemann Chimney Service Now Offers Gas Fireplace Installations

Industry: Home & Garden

Lindemann Chimney Service, which serves Lake Bluff and the surrounding areas, now offers installation of gas fireplaces to all of their customers.

Lake Bluff, Illinois (PRUnderground) May 18th, 2016

Lindemann Chimney Service, the premiere chimney specialist in Lake Bluff and the surrounding area, now offers gas fireplace installations and conversions. Gas fireplaces offer all of the warmth of a traditional fireplace without the hassle of waiting for the fire to go out. The on/off switch makes lighting and putting out a fire a breeze and provides unprecedented convenience.

Lindemann Chimney Service offers two different options for gas fireplace installation. The first, a direct vent gas fireplace, is prefabricated and comes with a sealed glass front panel. It is essentially a closed combustion unit that burns very clean and requires much less maintenance than a traditional fireplace, and when it comes to heating an entire room, the direct vent option is certainly the best choice. What’s more, Lindemann Chimney Service offers a variety of trim options in many colors, shapes, and styles, so you can add a touch of flair and personality to your home.

The other option available to customers in the Lake Bluff area is the ventless gas fireplace. It is by far the simplest way to add a fireplace to your home if you do not have an existing fireplace since it completely eliminates the need for vents or chimneys of any kind. It is incredibly energy-efficient and the flame looks amazingly realistic. If you are concerned about aesthetic appeal, Lindemann offers a wide variety of finishes – from the most contemporary looks to classic options – to match your home’s architecture and décor. They have a zero-clearance design, too, so they’ll work well in any space you choose.

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