Plumbing Outfitters Offers Austin, TX Homeowners Helpful Advice for Preventing Frozen Pipes

Industry: Real Estate

Texas homeowners rely on the team at Plumbing Outfitters to help them prevent frozen pipes during below-freezing weather.

Austin, TX (PRUnderground) December 7th, 2021

Homeowners in Texas know how to deal with oppressive heat, but when it comes to truly cold weather – including below-freezing temperatures – many simply are not prepared. Cold weather is not a frequent occurrence in the Austin area, but when it happens, homeowners often find themselves caught off guard. Plumbing Outfitters, an Austin-area company that specializes in a range of plumbing services, offers helpful advice that can help homeowners keep their water flowing despite below-freezing temperatures.

Early 2021 will go down in history as one of the coldest and most difficult months in Texas history. A winter storm wreaked havoc in many parts of the state, which not only led to road closures and business shutdowns, but also led to blackouts. Numerous Texas home and business owners experienced the aftermath of frozen water lines for the first time, too. Now, Texans are looking for the best ways to prevent frozen water lines in the event of another winter storm this coming season.

Plumbing Outfitters is headquartered in Austin, but they provide professional plumbing services throughout a wide swath of the state. Their team was involved in numerous plumbing repairs due to frozen water lines, and they provided excellent advice to their clients for avoiding such issues in the future. Today, the team at Plumbing Outfitters offers numerous tips and tricks for keeping the water flowing, even when the world outside has frozen solid.

The first and perhaps most important step is to realize that extended freezing temperatures are indeed possible in Texas, even if they aren’t frequent. When homeowners take steps to protect their water lines, they are prepared for Mother Nature’s coldest and worst. As water freezes, it expands, and when that water is trapped inside a confined space – such as a water line – it’s possible that those lines can simply break. Then, when the world thaws out again, the damage is significant.

Plumbing Outfitters recommends ensuring that the pipes are insulated, which is the number one way to prevent freezing. Furthermore, when temperatures plummet, leaving the taps throughout the home open slightly is another excellent way to prevent freezing. This creates movement throughout the pipes, which drastically reduces the chances of freezing.

To learn more about ways to protect your home during winter storms, contact the professionals at Plumbing Outfitters today. They can discuss your options with you and even provide an estimate based on your unique home and plumbing situation. For questions, or to schedule an appointment, call Plumbing Outfitters at (512) 269-1382 or send an email to

About Plumbing Outfitters

Plumbing Outfitters serves a large swath of the state of Texas with two offices in Granger and Austin. They not only provide preventative maintenance such as insulating water lines and inspecting sewer lines, but they also offer numerous repairs, both during regular business hours and after. The team at Plumbing Outfitters is one of the largest and most well-known in the area, and they pride themselves for their professionalism, transparency in pricing, and quality workmanship. For more information please visit

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