Sergey Tokarev: STEM is FEM introduces Ukrainian schoolgirls to technologies in agriculture

Industry: Education

Gen IT founder and initiator of STEM is FEM tells about the results of a project’s educational module in December.

Kyiv, Ukraine (PRUnderground) December 24th, 2020

The agro-industrial complex is an industry with rapidly developing modern technologies. Shovels and the like have gone away to the past, given the way to drones and artificial intelligence. This particular topic was discussed at STEM is FEM educational module dedicated to the agro-industrial complex and provided to Ukrainian school girls, says Sergey Tokarev, the initiator of the charitable educational project, Reface investor, and founder of Gen IT.

‘When we decided to conduct a module on agriculture, we set two goals: first, to show that the agro-industrial complex is modern and technology-savvy, and second, that it is an industry open for women. At the two-day online module, the participants got acquainted with the most modern developments and listened to women who have already achieved significant success in this field in Ukraine. The girls also tried their skills in an online agribusiness simulator and showed good results,’ says Sergey Tokarev.

Experts of the agro-industrial complex introduced the girls to the main aspects of working in this area, its current situation, and development prospects. Former Acting Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Olga Trofimtseva noted that the modern agro-industrial complex is, first of all, not growing crops but a platform where digital technologies are rapidly developing.

‘An important part of every STEM is FEM module is motivational speeches by successful women. The module organizers believe that since there are still outdated stereotypes regarding “non-female professions” in society, girls need to have as many role models among women in various fields as possible,’ says Sergey Tokarev. ‘In December, among the motivational speakers, there were Head of the Office of the National Investment Council Olga Magaletskaya, Head of Ukrainian projects of the Secretariat of Global Relations of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Gabriela Miranda, and many others.’

Let us recall that STEM is FEM is a charitable educational project created to popularize tech specialties among Ukrainian schoolgirls via free educational events.

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