The movie is a rated-PG animated flick that has been widely praised for taking viewers on an engaging adventure designed for the entire family. The movie centers on a teenage girl who encounters a magical creature on her apartment building’s roof. The girl and her two friends, who are admittedly mischievous, give the creature a… Read more »
Posts Categorized: Entertainment & Games
Panama City Beach Sports Complex Helps to Revitalize Community with Highly Anticipated Grand Opening
The outdoor sports venue opened with sports demonstrations, a festival atmosphere, and a full calendar of events booked for the coming year.
Rachel McCord & The McCord List Holds Stunning Hollywood Photoshoot & Luxury Gifting
Hollywood was buzzing as celebrity model and entrepreneur, Rachel McCord hosted several of the top millennial influencers for a photoshoot and gifting suite for The McCord List of influential women, her community of fellow talent, celebs, bloggers and media, at the exclusive La Peer Hotel in West Hollywood. The event was held to showcase The… Read more »
Destiny Carries LFG offers Destiny 2 Shadowkeep Boostiny Carries
Those players who want first to complete all the new fantastic loot in Bungie’s latest and greates DLC can look to Destiny Carries LFG for help. New items available now are Divinity, Deathbringer, Garden of Salvation raid. Don’t forget about the new Shadowkeep Season of the Undying Ritural Items. Exit Strategy, Randy’s Throwing Knife, Edgewise, and the… Read more » and Razer Announce Global Partnership, a global esports technology company, and Razer™, the leading global lifestyle brand for gamers, have announced a new partnership to deliver one of the most innovative and rewarding fantasy esports platforms to gamers around the globe. The partnership kicks off this week with the start of the 2019 League of Legends World Championship and… Read more »