Posts Categorized: Site Updates

New radio-affiliated websites added to PRunderground press release distribution network

Posted filed under Site Updates.

Last month we added 15+ new radio and other websites to the syndication network of all distributions at no additional charge.  They are mostly radio affiliated websites in Arizona, Georgia, and Virginia. The sites include affiliated websites for radio stations covering Classic Rock, Talk Radio, Country, and Sports as well as a Podcast website. KBTX… Read more »

Publish your press release in Baidu in Chinese

Posted filed under Site Updates.

Extend your brand into China!  has a new upgrade where a native Chinese writer will translate your press release into Chinese, and then find an appropriate news site to post it to in China, with guaranteed pickup in Baidu, the Google of China. China is a massive market, with over 1.3 Billion people, and… Read more »

Brand your press release report with your logo (New!)

Posted filed under Site Updates.

Now you can add your company logo (or your client’s logo) to the top of the press release pickup reports to customize it. The default is still the PRunderground logo a the top of the reports (see image to the right), but this lets you replace that with your own logo (see images below)…. Read more »