Social Media Press Releases – Powerful And Cutting Edge.
Industry: Social Media Press Release
(PRUnderground) December 1st, 2010
Many People ask me.. Why send out Social Media News Releases to your clients?
My answer is always simple. Social Media Releases drive traffic to your site and create a buzz about your brand by engaging your audience. After all… the hottest thing happening on the web is people to people engagement. What better way to engage a conversation about your brand…than to send out a Social Media Release.
It is this simple. The old fashioned Newswire Press Release has gone the way of the CD player. Two main reasons why… First they are way over priced for what they do not deliver. Second.. they only reach 20% of journalist and media outlets. Guess what..if your news is not newsworthy you can forget about that number also. I have tried them all including PRWeb. In my eyes they are all full of fluff.
“Do a test yourself..Send an expensive press release via an old fashioned newswire service and then send a social media press release via a social media press release distributor. I guarantee you will get a lot more exposure via the social media release.”
I captured a screen shot of a social media press release submitted by PRUnderground and another by a Newswire service. Look at the results. We not only showed up on top but we were also picked up by social bookmarking sites and blogs.

Why is it then that PRWeb and the other major services such as, and so popular? The answer is simple… They have major backing and lots of advertising dollars. For you know who owns Businesswire? None other tha Warren Buffet. You get the picture here correct? Lot’s of ad $$$$$ When you as a consumer see the same ad over and over again, before you know it you too will believe that they must be great.
If you truly want an effective way to get the word out… Seriously consider a cutting edge social media press release. Why even the 3 major newswire services are catching on and now offering them. Of course they are charging an arm and a leg for their social media news service. If you are looking for a true low cost powerful social media press release service..consider PRUnderground.
I have been using them for 2 years now and I must say yes they are a smaller company, but they beat the pants out of the big guns when it comes to creating a buzz and getting the word out.
Social Media Releases engage readers with multimedia content shared via Google News and social sites like Facebook, Twitter and more.
Here are some other reasons why social media releases are easily surpassing newswire services as the standard for press releases.
1. Social media chatter takes off — your brand is visible in Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.
2. Increase inbound links to your site which improves search engine rankings
3. Social Media Releases are optimized for search engines to find you!
4. Low cost marketing
5. Interact with your clients and potential prospect in ways that has never before been possible.
6. Companies that engage in Social Media surpass their competitors in both revenue$ and profit$
7. Target a worldwide audience at the click of a button
8. World’s largest referral program
I took a screenshot of an actual release that prunderground submitted. Notice all the cutting edge features that make each individual press release…its own social media hub..Talk about a press release on steroids.

I cannot say it enough..Just compare what a Social Media Release offers to that of a Newswire Service…fugetaboutit…there is no comparison. Look you probably have Twitter account, Facebook, Linkedin or one of the many other Social Networking sites. Just imagine if all your friends were utilizing Social Media, Social Networking or even Social Media Marketing and all you did to tell people about your brand, product or even yourself was chat on Yahoo chat, Do you think that your friends would consider you very old school? Enough said…
Stop spending your dollars on expensive Newswire Services that only guarantee less than 20% exposure. Instead spend it on a powerful Social Media Press Release that delivers and truly get’s the word out!!!